This week on PodQuest we sit down to chat about delays in Anthem's content roadmap, the reveal of what Persona 5 The Royal is, and some cool ways games dealt with piracy in the 90s. Beyond that we chat about Path of Exile, Mario v Rabbids, Cobra Kai, The Office, The Princess Bride, and plenty more!

This week on PodQuest we sit down to chat about delays in Anthem’s content roadmap, the reveal of what Persona 5 The Royal is, and some cool ways games dealt with piracy in the 90s. Beyond that we chat about Path of Exile, Mario v Rabbids, Cobra Kai, The Office, The Princess Bride, and plenty more!

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And here is the Spyro video from Tech Rules YouTube channel

Intro and Outro music Mega Man 2 ‘Project X2 – Title Screen’ OC ReMix courtesy of Project X over at OCRemix

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