This week after we discuss our personally feelings on needles we jump into the real news like the Bungie / Activision split, the lawsuits against Gearbox and Randy Pitchford, and Netflix raising their prices. Plus a little something called Rocket League, Chris finally finished Naruto, and Walnut and Drootin played some DnD.

This week after we discuss our personally feelings on needles we jump into the real news like the Bungie / Activision split, the lawsuits against Gearbox and Randy Pitchford, and Netflix raising their prices. Plus a little something called Rocket League, Chris finally finished Naruto and likes The Messenger, and Walnut and Drootin played some DnD.

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Intro and Outro music Mega Man 2 ‘Project X2 – Title Screen’ OC ReMix courtesy of Project X over at OCRemix

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