This week on PodQuest we have almost no news to discuss so it's all about what we've been up to. Which turns we watched a lot of movies. Chris went out and saw Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and Bumblebee while Walnut watched Bandersnatch, the docuseries Dogs, and Droo continued playing Deadcells. We also check in on Naruto, Fairy Tail, Valkyria Chronicles 4, and Bayonetta.

This week on PodQuest we have almost no news to discuss so it’s all about what we’ve been up to. Which turns we watched a lot of movies. Chris went out and saw Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and Bumblebee while Walnut watched Bandersnatch, the docuseries Dogs, and Droo continued playing Dead Cells. We also check in on Naruto, Fairy Tail, Valkyria Chronicles 4, and Bayonetta.

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Intro and Outro music Mega Man 2 ‘Project X2 – Title Screen’ OC ReMix courtesy of Project X over at OCRemix

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