It's a shorter episode this week as Walnut tells us his thoughts on Fast and Furious 4 through 7 and Chris recalls his final hours in Persona 4, followed up by a quick dose of news including a new possible Mario vs Rabbids game, the trailers for Defenders and Dark Tower, and the rumors of a Rosanne reboot.

It’s a shorter episode this week as Walnut tells us his thoughts on Fast and Furious 4 through 7 and Chris recalls his final hours in Persona 4, followed up by a quick dose of news including a new possible Mario vs Rabbids game, the trailers for Defenders and Dark Tower, and the rumors of a Rosanne reboot.

Intro and Outro music Mega Man 2 ‘Project X2 – Title Screen’ OC ReMix courtesy of Project X over at OCRemix

Break music Sonic the Hedgehog 2 “Mystic Chemicals” OC ReMix courtesy of XMark over at OC ReMix

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