Welcome to PodOn, the podcast where we share stories from other podcasters and talk with them about the challenges we all face when beginning the podcasting journey. If you are a podcaster, we would love to hear your story and your feedback. If you love this podcast, please subscribe and share it with your friends. 

After a slight podfade (yes, it happens) the PodOn Podcast is back! Even though 2020 was a rough year for everyone, plenty of folks found the time and space to turn to their most creative side, as a result, a lot of podcasts emerged even in the middle of a pandemic. In today’s episode, Julian and TJ come back strong to talk about the magic of self editing. Let’s be real, editing grants you control, but it also demands time. Good news is, when it comes to editing, it is not black or white, there’s room for all of us to get comfortable! Listen now to know more about the pros and cons of self editing, the tools available in the market, and how to make the best decisions around your podcast’s needs.

Jump straight into:

(00:27) - In an ever growing industry, PodOn is back! - “22% increase of podcast creation year over year. That is on another level!”

(03:10) - The pros and cons of self editing - “The pros is that you have complete control over your episodes.”

(05:52) - What makes Descript into such a fantastic tool for self editors? - “It is very easy to the curious, scrappy podcaster, so you don’t need to know the heavy weight capabilities of a Digital Audio Workstation.”

(08:14) - On Descript’s features beyond editing - “It’s very hard to figure out the editing and then let alone the promotion of it, and so Descript allows you to do both out of one tool.”

(11:04) - On self editing and leaning on an editing team - “You want to put trust in those editors, but at the same time, by speaking their language you’ll get as close to the final product you’d like.”


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PodOn is hosted by TJ Bonaventura and Julian Lewis, founders of the full-service podcast company based in San Francisco, StudioPod. If you want more details on how to fully record and produce your podcast with our services, you can reach us at http://studiopodsf.com, send us an email at [email protected] or contact us through our social media channels as @studiopodsf. Music by GaryOAKland.

StudioPod also offers an AirBnB Experience, where you can learn how to podcast; to learn more or to book one of our amazing courses, go to https://studiopodsf.com/courses.