On this PodOn episode, we chat with Anna McClain, a podcast producer and consultant for organizations and individuals. Podcasting is not about following a formula, but about using it to expand your personal and professional limits. Today, you’ll learn about podcasting’s true magic and why an internal podcast could unfold a handful of opportunities for any company — despite its budget and resources. Listen now to learn how a thoroughly planned podcast could engage your employees, humanize your brand, and build a genuine connection with your clients. All you have to do is ask yourself: Why not?

Jump straight into:

(00:45) - How podcasting is meant to break the old school rules and how to boost your creativity - “In podcasts, you just have so much freedom, you can really think outside the box.”

(10:52) - On internal podcasting and why companies should embrace it as a modality - “Companies are understanding that frequent clear communication with their employees is absolutely critical right now.”

(19:13) - How to build an influential culture, produce trackable stats, and bring your collaborators into the conversation - “There’s a million ways to recognize employees. It’s not just a one-sided thing, it’s a lot more engaging than that.”

(24:38) - Quantity vs. quality: how many listeners are enough? - “Not everyone is going to be your potential audience, and that could be true for an internal podcast too.”

(29:32) - How brands can team up with indie podcasters - “The brand doesn’t have to be the creative force behind the show.”

(31:53) - How major historical events can give birth to evergreen content, empower previously silent voices and create spaces for vulnerability - “I think a lot of podcasters can take this time to reflect on what they’ve been doing and switch it up and use it as a chance to change things up.”

(37:41) - Pitching a podcast to your organization - “Any organization with a budget can make it happen, it’s just a matter of getting creative.”


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Why Start a Podcast?

PodOn is hosted by TJ Bonaventura and Julian Lewis, founders of the full-service podcast company based in San Francisco, StudioPod. If you want more details on how to fully record and produce your podcast with our services, you can reach us at http://studiopodsf.com, send us an email at [email protected] or contact us through our social media channels as @studiopodsf. Music by GaryOAKland.