In Podnews today: An open Podcasting 2.0 standard comes to Apple. And have the other apps got transcripts yet?.

This is sponsored by Hindenburg PRO's transcripts. Transcripts make podcast editing easy, when you can see the words in your proper audio editor. And with Hindenburg PRO, you can export those transcripts for your website or podcast too - including the format Apple Podcasts wants. Get started today, with get a special 90 day trial and 30% off.

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This is sponsored by Hindenburg PRO's transcripts. Transcripts make podcast editing easy, when you can see the words in your proper audio editor. And with Hindenburg PRO, you can export those transcripts for your website or podcast too - including the format Apple Podcasts wants. Get started today, with get a special 90 day trial and 30% off

In Podnews today: An open Podcasting 2.0 standard comes to Apple. And have the other apps got transcripts yet?

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Image: Apple, Podnews