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Join James Cridland and Sam Sethi on this week's show.


Anna Sian -  Head of Marketing,  Spotify & Anchor FM  - talks about their redesign.Bryan Barletta - Sounds Profitable - talks about 'Dynamic Content Insertion' Peter Niegl and Rasmus Kidde -  DR’s research department - talk about podcasting in Denmark. Mark asks a question about the value of 'Categories' in 2021


SquadCast released v3 of their remote recording tool. The headline: you can now record quality HD video as well as audio with your guests. 

25% of the 345m monthly active Spotify users now use the app to listen to podcasts, up from 22% the previous quarter. Speaking on the company’s Q4 2020 earnings call, Daniel Ek said he’s “reasonably confident” that he can see benefits in user growth and retention from podcasts.

In Denmark, 27% of adults (15+) listen to podcasts every week. That is 3 percentage points up from last year, according to new data from DR

Sounds Profitable now has a podcast. The show uses dynamic ad insertion from Whooshkaa in a number of different ways, and Bryan Barletta Buzzsprout
Podcast hosting and a whole lot more

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