COVID-19, react-placeholder, NPM Acquisition, Tailwind CSS, React Native, and New Twitter Followees!

COVID-19, react-placeholder, NPM Acquisition, Tailwind CSS, React Native, and New Twitter Followees!

Episode Summary

00:00:00 | Intro
00:00:39 | COVID-19 Chat

Coronavirus Dashboard
avischiffmann (@AviSchiffmann) | Twitter
Jensen ෴ (@jensechu) | Twitter

00:14:23 | react-placeholder

GitHub – buildo/react-placeholder: A React component to easily replicate your page with nice placeholders

while the content is loading

00:18:09 | NPM Bought by GitHub

npm is joining GitHub – The GitHub Blog

00:24:13 | Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS – A Utility-First CSS Framework for Rapidly Building Custom Designs
GitHub – bradlc/tailwind.macro
Tailwind UI
Theme UI
glaze – npm

00:43:29 | Brandon’s Back to React Native

React Native Paper
Dan Abramov on Twitter: “7. Facebook’s investment in React Native is as high as ever. The main app has 750+

React Native screens, and it’s used for several standalone apps. It’s not the right tradeoff for Messenger,

but this ethos (e.g. lean use of C) inspires a lot of the ongoing React Native work.”</a >

00:53:25 | New Twitter Followees

codepenmeetup (@codepenmeetup) | Twitter
Bellingcat (@bellingcat) | Twitter
bellingcat – The Coronavirus Disinformation System: How It Works – bellingcat
Mai Yer Lee (@_maiyerlee) | Twitter
Andrea Edstrom (@andreaedstrom) | Twitter
Tim Walz (@Tim_Walz) | Twitter
Jason Miller (@_developit) | Twitter

01:00:14 | Next Time

BrianMitchL’s Music Profile |
Brian Mitchell on Twitter: “My stats for March are up by 61%! (Not counting the hours of mixes and live sets I’ve streamed on Mixcloud and Twitch as well)…”

01:07:36 | Outro

Connect With The Nexus

Brandon Johnson (@brandon_mn) | Twitter
Brian Mitchell (@BrianMitchL) | Twitter
Ryan Rampersad (@ryanmr) | Twitter
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This episode of PodKit has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #570: PK #56 — Alpaca!

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