Humberto Ayres is the co-founder of Rows, a Porto and Berlin-based early stage startup that has created "the spreadsheet where data comes to life".

Prior to founding Rows, Humberto was already an Excel geek and former founder, having built two successful B2C companies out of Portugal. With Rows, the team has the goal of re-inventing the way spreadsheets work, by creating a product that not only allows users and businesses to build traditional spreadsheets, but also connect these to internal and external data.

In this episode, we chat with Humberto about the following topics:

How coming out of a big family -he has 12 siblings- has influenced him from a personal and professional perspective
In what kind of environment he was brought up and what impact that had in him
His experience building B2C businesses before Rows
The origin story of Rows
How and why they plan to re-invent the way spreadsheets work
The present and future of no-code
Patient capital: choosing the right investors for a PLG company
The vision for Rows and what's next