In this episode of Kicksology, host Brian Metzler talks about the early evolution of running shoes and running retail stores. He is joined by guests Carl Brandt, who owned and operated the Movin' Shoes retail stores in San Diego for more than 35 years, and Mike Fanelli, a running historian who worked in running stores, played a key marketing role for Reebok and The Sports Authority from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s.

Metzler is the author of the book, "Kicksology: The Hype, Science, Culture and Cool of Running Shoes" and a long-time runner who has competed in races on the track, roads and trails from 50 meters to 100 miles.

In each episode of Kicksology, Metzler engages shoe designers, entrepreneurs, shoe company executives, retailers, athletes and physical therapists to talk about the evolution of running shoes, new shoe launches, breakthrough technologies, the biomechanics of running and everything else running-shoe related.