Roll out the welcome DATS, because it’s time to gather the data squad! You can find the full show notes for this episode and leave comments at

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Roll out the welcome DATS, because it’s time to gather the data squad!

In this pre-season episode, we reflect on our histories with Data Squad and Savers, do some LSD, discuss our favorite aspects of the season, lay out our expectations, get Ashley’s hot take first impressions on the cast, and announce some tweaks to the podcast for season 5.

Thanks for listening!

Weekly Question: What aspect of Data Squad are you most excited for?

▹ Intro & Histories [0:00:00]

Plot of Jeff’s memory vs. reality for Savers episodes in the Digital World
Television Networks

Disney XD
Kix (now “Pop Max”)

▹ The Newlysib Game [0:10:11]

Contestants: the newlysibs Asher & Andrew
F-Mary-Kill gets weird when it comes to kids or Digimon, so, introducing LSD:

Leomon: Whom do you want to kill?
Spirit: Whom do you want to digivolve into?
DNA: Whom do you want to merge with?


Agumon (Adventure)
Agumon (Data Squad)
Agumon (Appmon)

▹ Favorites [0:15:39]

Sixth Ranger trope
Miki & Megumi
Marcus’s Mom
Yggdrasil / King Drasil

▹ Ashley Impressions [0:23:14]

List of Data Squad characters

▹ Expectations [0:27:52]

Savers OP 1
Data Squad OP
Season rankings

Jeff: Tamers • (Data Squad) • Adventure • 02 • Frontier
Ashley: Tamers • Adventure • 02 • (Data Squad) • Frontier
Asher: 02 • Adventure • Tamers • (Data Squad) • Frontier
Andrew: Adventure • (Data Squad) • 02 • Tamers • Frontier

▹ Recommendation Articulation [0:37:41]

Jeff: going to the gym on weekends
Asher: eating health, doing things on time, and living a good life
Ashley: subscribe to a magazine, and read issues the way through
Andrew: J-Novel club

Invaders of the Rokujouma

▹ Podcast Announcements [0:41:11]

Where to watch Data Squad legally

YouTube ($25)
PlayStation Store ($30)
iTunes ($30)
Amazon Video ($30)
Data Squad DVD Boxset on Amazon (currently $30.04)

▹ Outro [0:57:28]

You can find the full show notes for this episode at

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Special Thanks

Our intro music is “Here We Go” by Jason Gochin, and our transition and outro music is “I'm Going Digital” by Jasan Radford. Both are available on the soundtrack for Digimon: The Movie.

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