In this episode, I invited Dr. Kristina Janson who is specializing in true hand-made custom orthoses. 

You will hear her journey and we also discuss in depth, the power of premium pricing and concierge model practice. 

Please check out her YouTube channel:


If you want to watch this episode on my YouTube Channel, here is the direct link:

More resources?


Download FREE PDF Guide, "3 Ways To Increase Your Practice Profits Without Seeing More Patient"


Get Your Free Copy of my book, "OPT-OUT" to grow your podiatry practice.  You just cover the shipping:


Do you want to build your dream private practice without the hassles of insurance networks?  Then schedule a FREE 45-min Strategy Session with me.  We will dive to look at your current practice and I will provide you with a crystal game plan for you:


I've created this EXCLUSIVE Private Facebook Group community of like-minded podiatrists who are coming together to build their DREAM PRIVATE PRACTICE, and FREE to join!!