What a great interview with Dr. Sev Hrywnak, DPM, MD, JD!! 

Dr. Severko Hrywnak is a board-certified physician and a successful businessman who developed multi-million dollar commercial, residential, and medical complexes in the Chicago area. He is currently the president and CEO of The SEV Group, Advanced Ambulatory Surgical Center, Park Immediate Health Care Centers and VIP Surgery Chicago. 

He is currently... 

Visiting Professor at Columbia University (Dept of Economics)Clinical Professor (Dept of Family Medicine) at Northwestern School of MedicineFormer Assistant Professor (Dept of Medicine) at Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine

He has also written many medical articles for scientific publications. 

We had a great discussion on the following various healthcare topics. 

Would you like to know his answers and advice on questions like... 

What is the overall healthcare trend and how is it affecting our profession today?The recent trend and the economic benefits of Office-based surgery.What mindset should modern podiatrists have?What’s your take on “Nurse doctor” and “PA doctor” treating patients directly without podiatristsWhat about the “FULL LICENSURE” as a podiatrist and how would that help public health?What are the roadblocks to become a “FULLY LICENSED”, head-to-toe podiatrist?

- Dr. Hrywnak’s prediction of 2021 and beyond in terms of economics. 

Here is Dr. Hrywnak’s Contact Info if you want to learn more: 

Dr. Severko Hrywnak [email protected] 
2333 N. Harlem Ave. Chicago, IL 60707


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