It’s the last of the YEAR 8 themed episodes, so now we get to The End… with our thinnest premise yet.  STARG8.

What started as a surprising cult-hit of a sci-fi movie that, I say having seen it recently, still holds up — turned into a television epic that spanned multiple television shows, a couple made-for-tv movies, and a universe of characters. 

This though, is the original. Stargate SG-1 and the end of its 10 season run.

Did it live up to its legacy? Was it simply a stopgap between one show and another network? Well, there’s only one way you are going to find out – and that is by either watching ten years of leaping through gates to mysterious lands, boldly going where no man has go– sorry, wrong one… you could watch the original, or you could just listen to our take on The End: Stargate SG-1

Ok, here we go!

Full Episode