It’s Friday – and you know what that means.. another RetroSomething, and this episode takes us back to talking about well… the people in this world that got the worst possible end, but damn is it funny.  So join us as we revisit: The Snopes List!

We originally said:

Note: If you share this post, Mark Zuckerberg will bake you a turkey dinner.

Every day of every social media person’s life, you are hit with a thousand different pictures, memes, captions, and at least half of them are filled with bad information.  Well, the Somethings are going to inform you of a little website called Snopes. Now, what this site does is… I know.. it’s crazy.. it debunks internet urban legends.

Every year they also do their best to tell you what the most popular b.s. was from the prior year.  So we’re going down the list and talking a little bit of the internet urban legends of 2015.  We go from Something to Serious to Seriously Creepy and back to Something.. this is a long strange journey. Buckle up!

Full Episode