The boys are back with another journey into their not-guilty-at-all favorites.

Time and time again they have mentioned that on their off hours, when not slaving away over a hot podcast, they can be found slaving away over a hot television, watching amazing chefs (and not so amazing chefs) make amazing concoctions.

Rob knows his way around a kitchen… Hatton knows his way around the kitchen to go sit in the living room, but they do both have a love of reality cooking shows.  So bring your appetite, because the boys are going down the line of the reality cooking shows that they will watch when nothing else is on, or when a bunch of things are on… if you don’t know how to make a crepe suzette by the end of this episode, that’s probably for the best, because at no point in time during the show do we mention crepe suzette.

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode