This week we have Jennifer Liao, director of End of Days Inc, with us to…

 This week we have Jennifer Liao, director of End of Days Inc, with us to talk about International Women’s Day, her upcoming trip to #vancity and of course her film.

I may slightly terrify Jennifer with the amount of creeping/research I did before the show. She tells us about the challenges of mixing using social media for fun vs self-promotion.

We go deep (but not spoiler deep) on the film and learn about everything from the production design to the audition process for some of the roles. J and I have a bit of a crush on Oola (Yulia Petrauskas). We were also super excited about the Mort character – you may recognize the actor as Paul Sun-Hyung Lee from Train 48 and Kim’s Convenience

We realize we may have been in the same audience at TIFF for Richard Ayoade’s Submarine, so maybe she was stalking me.

We talk about the challenges around the micro budget film production process in Canada, and some of our favourite directors and where she and the film are headed next.

Follow Jennifer @averagejenn

Check out the film at

Find out more about her at

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