We reckon this is the best Thor movie ever. We go down the Devil’s backdoor…

 We reckon this is the best Thor movie ever.

We go down the Devil’s backdoor into Ragnarok. Friend Erin and I actually manage to stay on topic because this movie is so fantastic. We compare the fall of Sears Canada to the fate of Asgard. We talk about our favourite korachtors and moments. Basically just over an hour of us telling you what you should already know – this was a beautiful moment of joy in this trash-planet fire year.

Much love to the ladies of Ragnarok – esp Rachel House who delivered the titular podcast line really is magnificent – google image search her if you like boss bone structure.

There is a deliberate rough cut due to a giggle break when talking about the pleasure ship.

We pull it together and talk about how much we love Tessa, Cate and would not want to fight anyone made entirely of scissors. We would also like the gods of the 9 realms to give us an all lady commentary track when the Blu-ray comes out.

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