We saw The Circle. It looked pretty, but we didn’t love it. Perhaps if there…

Photo by Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images for Netflix

 We saw The Circle. It looked pretty, but we didn’t love it. Perhaps if there had been more John Boyega and Karen Gillan. I do contend that if you were programming a pair of movies about Stockholm syndrome starring Emma Watson you could do worse than watching this and Beauty and the Beast.

Mel watched Unforgettable and we discuss the ‘you took my man’ tropes. I saw Fate of the Furious. Common theme is we thought they were both oddly watchable but our favourite female characters were underdeveloped and predictable.

Mel saw Colossal – we discuss the premise and how it may allow the Hathahaters to take a second look.

I watched Girlboss, and felt compelled to complete it due to my relationship to ecommerce and shoes despite my overall meh while watching the show.

We both watched Dear White People and yes, the Barry Jenkins directed episode was the best.

Mel loved Handmaid’s Tale but it does really hit you in the lady parts.

We discuss what we are looking forward to in the near future and of course go on many booze-fuelled tangents.