We've got a brand new, big ol' podcast for you packed to the brim with tenant organizers from across the United States. We're joined by Tara Raghuveer from the KC Tenants Union, who also serves as the coordinator for the Homes Guarantee campaign at People's Action. Learn more about KC Tenants Union here: https://kctenants.org/ Check out the amazing Homes Guarantee platform here: https://peoplesaction.org/2019/09/breaking-peoples-action-unveils-plan-to-win-a-national-homes-guarantee/ From the LA Tenants Union, we're also joined by organizer Tracy Jeanne Rosenthal. Learn more about how they're trying to bring tenant unions across the country together at www.latenantsunion.org. Finally, we're joined by a fellow Texan, Rudy, from the Houston Tenants Union. They've got some great material on their website, including a collection of letters that some particularly ghoulish landlords have sent to tenants in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing economic collapse. Check 'em out at www.houstontenantsunion.org. If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider giving to us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/futureleft If you enjoyed this podcast but can't support us with money, consider helping us get the word out by sharing us on social media or recommending us to a friend.