The timeline, it is dark. The Republicans under the Trump administration are literally abandoning capitalism--at least temporarily--while the Democrats are wringing their hands about means-testing. Meanwhile, the Trump administration's failure to take the Coronavirus seriously has resulted in an economic crisis that may perhaps blossom into an event on par with the Great Depression. The pandemic and the domino effect of consequences, however, is revealing a wide array of contradictions in our current capitalist system. Who knew that the government could just say "hey no more evictions"? Shit, did Obama know that back in 2009? What happens when racists like Trump embrace economic populism? It's unclear. We're social distancing right now, but also, we are deep in the wilderness. Stay stafe. By the way, we were talking and we want to touch base with you about what you want from Future Left right now. On the one hand, the Coronavirus crisis is immense, and it would be silly to just pretend like it didn't exist and wasn't changing life for most people. On the other hand, that might be a good reason to not talk about it all the time. Let us know what you'd like to see from Future Left. Hit us up at [email protected] and [email protected] to let us know. If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider giving to us on Patreon: If you enjoyed this podcast but can't support us with money, consider helping us get the word out by sharing us on social media or recommending us to a friend.