We've got great big Texas-sized episode this week, featuring a dream team of Texas leftists. We've got Kristian Hernandez, who often organizes with DSA North Texas and currently serves on DSA's National Political Committee, Ashkan Jahangiri, organizing with Austin DSA, and Bo Schuh, one of the cohosts of Psychic Dolphin Garage. We're talking about how the big man, Bernie Sanders, is on his way to winning the state of Texas in the upcoming Democratic Primary on Super Tuesday. Bearing in mind we recorded this on the Wednesday before (aka "Just Okay Tuesday"), so we don't *know* if Bernie's gonna win. But also we know that Bernie's gonna win because Texas is changing and the working people therein ain't taking no shit anymore. What do non-Texans get wrong about this big ol' state? What are the biggest issues that the working class is facing there? And how are organizers spreading the gospel of social and economic transformation? All that and more this week on Future Left! NOTE: On Monday, we're dropping a bonus interview with an organizer from Kickstarter United, the brand new staff union at Kickstarter--maybe the first break in the tech industry's anti-union wall. BUT IT'S PATRONS ONLY. So pitch in a buck on our Patreon and you're in. If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider giving to us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/futureleft If you enjoyed this podcast but can't support us with money, consider helping us get the word out by sharing us on social media or recommending us to a friend. Check out our guests: Kristian is on twitter at: @kksteffany You should definitely check out DSA North Texas (Future Left co-hosts tend to buy all of their shirts...): http://dsantx.org/ Ashkan is on twitter at: @ashkan4bernie Austin DSA: https://austindsa.org/ Bo Schu is on twitter at: @schnedwob Support Psychic Dolphin Garage on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/psychicdolphingarage