Logan and Richard are new recruits for Space Command, where adventure awaits!  In this thrilling episode we visit with Marc Zicree, the creator, writer, and executive producer of Space Command. Marc has also been the writer of several of your SciFi series including Star Trek: Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, and several …

Logan and Richard are new recruits for Space Command, where adventure awaits!  In this thrilling episode we visit with Marc Zicree, the creator, writer, and executive producer of Space Command. Marc has also been the writer of several of your SciFi series including Star Trek: Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, and several others. Space Command is a fan supported Kickstarter Science Fiction series that blends elements of modern and classic SciFi storytelling.  So if adventure is calling, Marc Zicree, of Space Command is ready to have you as his newest recruit.

What we visited about in this episode:

Space Command, Marc Zicree – Creator & Writer, Space Command Studios LLC, 2020.

Music clips used in this episode:

“Space Command Theme”, David Raiklen – Composer, 2020.“Adventure”, Matthew Parker, Dream Records, 2016.


Marc Zicree Mr. SciFi YouTube Channel

Space Command First Full Episode YouTube Link

Space Command Kickstarter Page

Space Command Store

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