Brigadier-​General Omer Lavoie was born and raised in Marathon, Ontario. He joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1983 as a pri­vate sol­dier in the Lake Supe­rior Scot­tish Reg­i­ment. Upon high school grad­u­a­tion, he trans­ferred to the Reg­u­lar Force and attended Royal Roads Mil­i­tary Col­lege from 1985 – 1989. Upon com­ple­tion of infantry phase train­ing, he was posted to Sec­ond Bat­tal­ion, The Royal Cana­dian Reg­i­ment. Brigadier-​General Lavoie’s reg­i­men­tal employ­ment includes ser­vice with 2RCR, 1 RCR and as the Reg­i­men­tal Adju­tant. As […]

Brigadier-​General Omer Lavoie was born and raised in Marathon, Ontario. He joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1983 as a pri­vate sol­dier in the Lake Supe­rior Scot­tish Reg­i­ment. Upon high school grad­u­a­tion, he trans­ferred to the Reg­u­lar Force and attended Royal Roads Mil­i­tary Col­lege from 1985 – 1989. Upon com­ple­tion of infantry phase train­ing, he was posted to Sec­ond Bat­tal­ion, The Royal Cana­dian Reg­i­ment. Brigadier-​General Lavoie’s reg­i­men­tal employ­ment includes ser­vice with 2RCR, 1 RCR and as the Reg­i­men­tal Adju­tant. As a mem­ber of 2 RCR, he was employed as a pla­toon com­man­der, Offi­cer Com­mand­ing recon­nais­sance pla­toon and as a com­pany second-​in-​command. While posted to 1 RCR, he served as the Bat­tle Group Oper­a­tions Offi­cer, Offi­cer Com­mand­ing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Com­pany and Com­mand­ing Officer.

Brigadier-​General Lavoie’s extra reg­i­men­tal ser­vice has included post­ings to Cana­dian Forces North­ern Area Head­quar­ters in Yel­lowknife, Direc­tor Gen­eral Strate­gic Plan­ning at National Defence Headquarters, and as the first com­man­der of the Cana­dian Forces Counter-​Improvised Explo­sive Device Task Force. He has served in all three of the Cana­dian Army’s mech­a­nized brigade groups and com­manded 1 Cana­dian Mech­a­nized Brigade Group from May 2010 to June 2012. Brigadier-​General Lavoie’s oper­a­tional expe­ri­ence includes employ­ment as a rifle pla­toon com­man­der dur­ing the Oka Cri­sis, as a com­pany second-​in-​command in Croa­tia and Bosnia in 1992-​1993, as a bat­tle group oper­a­tions offi­cer in Kosovo in 1999 – 2000 and as a Bat­tle Group Com­mand­ing Offi­cer of the 1 RCR Bat­tle Group in Kan­da­har, Afghanistan in 2006-2007.

Brigadier-​General Lavoie has been awarded the Mer­i­to­ri­ous Ser­vice Cross for his role in lead­ing the First Bat­tal­ion, Royal Cana­dian Reg­i­ment Bat­tle Group in Afghanistan and has been awarded the NATO Mer­i­to­ri­ous Ser­vice Medal for lead­ing NATO’s first offen­sive ground oper­a­tion at the Bat­tle Group level, Operation Medusa. Brigadier-​General Lavoie was appointed to the Order of Mil­i­tary Merit as an Offi­cer. His for­mal edu­ca­tion includes an Hon­ours degree in Mil­i­tary Lead­er­ship and Applied Psy­chol­ogy from Royal Roads Mil­i­tary Col­lege and a Master’s degree in Defence Stud­ies from Royal Mil­i­tary College.

Brigadier-​General Lavoie assumed Com­mand of 4th Cana­dian Divi­sion and Joint Task Force Cen­tral in Toronto on 28 June 2012. He com­pleted a highly dis­tin­guished tenure of com­mand on 11 July 2014.  Brigadier-​General Lavoie is cur­rently the  Director General Defence Force Planning, at NDHQ, in Ottawa.

Brigadier-General Omer Lavoie, OMM, MSC, CD, Director General Defence Force Planning

Col Lavoie and CWO Bobby Girouard take a break in Afghanistan in August, 2006.

Brigadier-General Omer Lavoie, commander of Joint Task Force Central/Land Force Central Area, inspects members of the 21st Electronic Warfare Regiment at a ceremony where more than two dozen members of the regiment received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal at CFB Kingston.

Brigadier-General Lavoie presents the patch of the 4th Canadian Division to the Command teams at a ceremony held at Fort York Armoury on April 25, 2014,

Brigadier-General Lavoie addresses members of the media in Wainwright, Alberta after a tragedy on Ex Maple Resolve in 2014.

Brigadier-General Lavoie addresses the soldiers who served with him in Afghansitan via YouTube.

Command of 4th Canadian Division officially changed hands on July 11, 2014 during a ceremony held at the Lieutenant-Colonel George Taylor Denison III Armoury in Toronto.  Brigadier-General Omer Lavoie was succeeded by Brigadier-General Lowell Thomas during the ceremony presided over by Lieutenant-General Marquis Hainse, Commander Canadian Army.