Author : Summer Fletcher Narrator : Nadia Niaz Host : Graeme Dunlop Audio Producer : Peter Wood Discuss on Forums PodCastle 412: For Honor, For Waste is a PodCastle original. For Honor, For Waste by Setsu Uzume Rohnaq tried to rejoin her unit; but only shoved forward by inches, crushed by the crowd. They walked […]

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Author : Summer Fletcher
Narrator : Nadia Niaz
Host : Graeme Dunlop
Audio Producer : Peter Wood

Discuss on Forums

PodCastle 412: For Honor, For Waste is a PodCastle original.

For Honor, For Waste
by Setsu Uzume

Rohnaq tried to rejoin her unit; but only shoved forward by inches, crushed by the crowd. They walked upward en masse, tier by tier, to the palace. One woman slipped a brown hand over her children’s shoulders to pull them out of Rohnaq’s way. Sweat-scent, sea salt, sour incense, and camphor dogged her all the way to the plaza. Wheat barons and merchant ship captains, cobblers, and beggars. All hoping to conclude old business and hear whether or not their prayers would be answered, and at what cost. Last cycle, Manaph ignored the new siege engine offered to her, and took the engineer’s life. Malajine’s army conquered three of their neighbors in exchange. Rohnaq had been proud of those campaigns, once. Now, they only reminded her of dear friends, lost in the name of service. Rohnaq didn’t dare to ask for a blessing.

A city blessed, every cycle. One life destroyed, every cycle.

The post PodCastle 412: For Honor, For Waste appeared first on PodCastle.