There are a lot of reasons you should consider putting your podcast on your WordPress site. Here are 5 of the bigger, encompassing reasons to do so.

In episode 13, I am sharing the five big reasons to use WordPress for your podcast.

Often people who are starting a podcast or growing an existing one, seem complacent with having it on a podcast platform. But there are limitations. You might want to consider WordPress if you doing one of two things.

Adding to to an existing site to help you build your brand or products or services.Looking at ways to grow your podcast through a multi-media strategy.

5 Reasons to Have Your Podcast on WordPress

Owning Your Content

You have complete control over all your content: from your podcast itself to your show notes, transcripts and everything else. Although podcasting platforms may seem much easier to create and maintain, you will have more limitations when it comes to marketing your podcast. Also, be aware of their terms of service as you may not own your content as much as you think you do.

Flexibility of Site Layout

There are thousands of themes in WordPress you can use to build a robust and professional site for your podcast. There are also themes that built specifically with podcasts in mind. And if you want to get real creative, you can use a page builder like Beaver Builder. In any case, creating and organizing content for and around your podcast will be much easier and more user-friendly.

Marketing and Promoting Your Podcasts with Plugins

There is a plugin—both fee and paid—that will do just about anything when it comes to WordPress. Some plugins are related to helping you set up your podcast for feeds and organization like Seriously Simple Podcasting Plugin or PowerPress Podcasting Plugin by Blubrrry. Others can help you with your podcasting calendar, sharing and subscribe buttons, build you lists, and hundreds of other things that help to get your podcast out to the world.


WordPress, as a content management system, is built for search engine optimization. Whether it’s your show notes, transcripts or other content you repurpose from your podcast, if you follow the basic rules of SEO and provide good content, Google will find you. There are several plugins that can help you, including my favorite, Yoast SEO.

Content Creation and Repurposing

WordPress is a powerhouse when it comes to content. The more value you deliver with your content, and even through other mediums, the more listeners you will have. On podcasting platforms you are limited, but with WordPress, creating additional content, whether it compliments your podcast or is repurposed from your podcast, is limitless.

Of course, this may sound like a lot more work than simply using one of the podcasting platforms out there. And to be honest, it probably is. But if you really want to use your podcast to grow your business or brand, and do it using WordPress, well, you have found the right place.