Today is the first episode of Podcasting with WordPress. Tune in to hear what we have planned for our podcast and our blog.

In episode 0 of our new podcast, I took a few minutes to tell you about:

What you can expect in the podcastMy background in podcastingWhy a podcast about podcasting with WordPress


Are you looking to start a podcast and want to use WordPress, either on a new or existing site? Or perhaps, you currently have one and want to shift it over to your own WordPress site?

Maybe you are already on your way and want to learn how to extend and promote your podcast with the power of WordPress behind you?

Whatever the case, that is what we are here for.

A Podcast and Blog About Podcasting with WordPress

Obviously a site like this would be missing something if it wasn’t podcast-based. Our weekly podcast will bring in a wide range of people. From podcasters who can share their own experience and insights with using WordPress, to the bigger picture of all the products and services offered through WordPress, that will bring even more value to your show.

We will also look at the bigger picture of SEO, marketing, promotion and all that other good stuff.

Of course, we could not get away without talking tech stuff here and there.

The blog will follow suit and share with you tools and services that directly or indirectly work with your podcast and your WordPress site.

Why Podcasting?

I’ll share with you a bit of who I am, my experience in podcasting and why the heck I am doing this site.

A good part of my adult life I have been told that I should have been either a DJ or a minister. That was solely based on my voice. Needless to say that never transpired.

In 2009 I attended a workshop put on by a couple of my friends in Seattle. It was all about starting a podcast. They lured me there as they felt I was a perfect fit. This was at one of the points where podcasting was picking up again. And I was intrigued.

Well, as most things go, it all sounded good. But where I was at with out business at that time, it wasn’t going to happen. Basically because I had just been into blogging for a few years and didn’t have any more bandwidth. But I told myself I would think about it.

And think I did.

5 Years Later

In March of 2014 I started my first podcast, called WordPress Breakdown. I thought the title was clever as it could be taken a couple of ways. As a result, I did 10-15 minute podcasts where I talked about something around WordPress. It lasted 12 months. I realized I was just regurgitating what I had been writing about for the last 5 years.

I told my listeners that I would be back. It would happen once I found that sweet spot in podcasting.

eCommerce Podcast and Do the Woo

That journey toward enlightenment took another 12 months. In March of 2016, I launched Do the Woo, a podcast focused on WooCommerce. After several episodes I realized I needed to branch out a bit more and rebranded the podcast as the BobWP eCommerce Show, all about WordPress, eCommerce and monetization. This podcast still is going as the WP eCommerce Show.

But Wait, There’s More

In June 2017 I decided to start two more podcasts. Podcasting with BobWP and the BobWP Monetizer Podcast. The latter survived another year, but the podcasting one had a shorter life: just three months.

In January, I brought back the Do the Woo podcast, first as the host, then inviting Brad Williams to join me as a co-host. With a couple of breaks, this every other week show is moving right along. And who knows what is around the corner for it.

Now: Podcasting with WordPress

The best way to wrap up this post is to let you know that I’m taking a deep dive into podcasting. Over the years I have pretty much done all production, etc. For many, that needs to be accomplished via outsourcing. But I’m going to get into that end of things even more, as well as the overall particulars of having your podcast on WordPress.

With every show and every post, you know when I talk about something, it’s because I am walking the talk.

Depending on your content delivery preferences, I hope you join us for the podcast, reading our post, or both!

Podcasts Mentioned

Do the Woo Podcast

WP eCommerce Show