Choosing a theme for your podcast on WordPress doesn't have to be overwhelming. Here are three tips to help you get started.

You may have decided to start a podcast on WordPress. Or, perhaps, you are moving your existing podcast to a WordPress site.

There’s so much to do, right? Like picking a theme. A theme from the thousands and thousands of themes. Unfortunately there isn’t one tried and true and tired theme to go with.

Before You Go Down the Rabbit Hole of WordPress Themes

There are many variables that will help you decide on your theme. Is it going to be a free theme or one you pay for? From there, it grows from a single path to hundreds of ways you can go. Will it be supported? Will it be kept updated? Etc. etc. etc.

Although this won’t help you decide on a theme here and now, let me share three thoughts.

Use Any Theme Out There

Launching a podcast on a WordPress is not rocket science. You can install a plugin to use as your player, create a post out of it, add, content and boom, there you go.

If you just want to get your podcast up and going, keep it simple. Start recording. Start publishing. Then let all the other pieces fall into place as you move on.

Choosing a Podcasting Theme

In your adventures, you likely have seen many speciality themes. Themes for restaurants, realtors, salons, consultants, authors, you name it. Often these are designed to easily fit needs when putting content and a site together. Some may even come with recommended plugins. We wrote about one of these here on our site. This may be a good option if you are looking for something more like a plug-and-play type of theme.

Build Your Dream Theme

You don’t have to be a coder to build a theme close to what you are envisioning in your head. Pagebuilders will do that for you. Consider them as an amped up version of blocks.

I have used Genesis child themes for years on my sites. But when it came time to adding three podcasts to three sites, I had a certain vision. Even the podcasting themes didn’t meet it. So I used the Beaver Theme and Beaver Builder. I was able to get as close as I can to my vision and I can tweak and redesign more easily as needed for my sites.

The only warning I will give you is that even though pagebuilders are billed as an easy way to drag-and-drop your way to the site you really want, there is a learning curve. It takes time to grasp all that a pagebuilder can do for you. So expect some investment of time in this endeavor.

That’s it. I have taught hundreds of people over the years how to choose a theme. Some have hired me to do it. But don’t make it a barrier in getting your podcast up and going. No matter where you start, you can always change down the road. And with the growth of blocks in the WordPress space, we are going to see the world of themes change over time.