Facebook Is Kind. Facebook Is Good. All Hail Facebook. When Even Foresight Should Have Been 20/20; Just War Vs. Just a War; Gilligan’s Island As Metaphor for War; Clea and Facebook are BFF; Storey Still Hates Privacy; How the Internet Saved and Destroyed the World At the Same Time; and It’s All Fun And Games […]

The post The Mep Who Stares at Goats (Mep Report #117) appeared first on The Mep Report - High Brow Birds.

Facebook Is Kind. Facebook Is Good. All Hail Facebook. When Even Foresight Should Have Been 20/20; Just War Vs. Just a War; Gilligan’s Island As Metaphor for War; Clea and Facebook are BFF; Storey Still Hates Privacy; How the Internet Saved and Destroyed the World At the Same Time; and It’s All Fun And Games Until Someone Loses a Thought.

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The post The Mep Who Stares at Goats (Mep Report #117) appeared first on The Mep Report - High Brow Birds.