On this episode of Podcasting Smarter we're speaking with Roger Nairn.

Roger is the Co-Founder and CEO of JAR Audio and joins us today to discuss the creation and keys to successful branded podcasts: differentiation, strategy, and audience growth. 

"A branded podcast is all about creating long term relationships with audiences." - Roger Nairn

Branded podcasts are a popular marketing strategy for businesses to connect with their target audience and provide valuable content while promoting their brand. The key to a successful branded podcast is to create engaging stories, provide useful information, and focus on the needs and interests of the audience. This approach increases brand affinity and establishes a long-term relationship between the brand and its audience. By carefully crafting content and strategically aligning with the brand's messaging, businesses can create a powerful and memorable podcast that drives brand awareness and growth.

During this conversation with Roger Nairn, we discuss the vital role of audience research and understanding in creating a branded podcast.

Roger emphasizes the importance of focusing on audience needs, crafting a story that resonates with them, and adding value without being overly promotional about the brand. By creating an amazing podcast first, brands can deliver their message more powerfully and effectively, as seen with Expedia's successful branded podcast, Out Travel The System.

The key takeaways in this episode are:

Delve into the significance of differentiation, strategic planning, and audience expansion in launching a successful branded podcast.

Navigate the complexities of production logistics for branded podcasts, particularly within large corporations.

Develop skills in securing versatile guest bookings and how to provide high-caliber recording setups to ensure quality content.

Unravel the world of podcast monetization and strike the ideal balance between advertising and authentic storytelling.


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Other episodes you'll enjoy:

How to Create a Top Branded Podcast with Chris O’Keeffe from JAR Audio

Slalom’s Vimal Parker on Structuring an Internal Podcasting Initiative

Creating Impactful Branded Podcasts: A Chat with Marcus Engel


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Connect with Roger and JAR Audio: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearejar/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jar_audio 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jar-audio/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/rogernairn604/ 

Website: https://jaraudio.com/  


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