The PiP Cultural Committee is back in session to discuss vidja games, representations of colonialism and political conflict overall. We're very excited to be joined by Josh Sawyer, lead designer of such classics as Icewind Dale II, Fallout: New Vegas, and Pillars of Eternity. Most recently he was the narrative designer for Pillars of Eternity 2, set in a fantasy world where colonisation is part of the narrative. Who better to talk to as we discuss "why must there be politics in the shooty-shooty-stabby-stabby"? 


Like the chat? Why not pick up Pillars of Eternity 2 and grapple with colonial representation yourself? 


Pod Personnel: Jamie, Ben, James, Rob and Very Special Guest Josh Sawyer


Pod Link: Colonialism is fun? Civilisation and the Gamification of Imperialism


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