We recorded this episode a few days before the Iowa Caucus, so if you'd like to travel back to a time before ratty pete's app blew up, this is the episode for you!


A Big Structural Episode (emphasis on Big) sees Elijah, James, Rob, and Jamie go over the entirety of the US democratic primary campaign until now, specially summarised for Limey Listeners who don’t have the chutzpah to follow New York Times writers on Twitter. From the esoterica behind the mystical “Eye-Oh-Wah Caucus” and the Democratic selection process, to a rundown of the current candidates and their respective hives of scum and villainy, to a Greatest Hits of the absolute clown-shoes campaigns some of these cretins are running, we’ve got it all. BYOB, you’re gonna need it.

Warning- long.

NB: USA passport holders can donate to the Bernie Sanders campaign here:


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Elijah - @KlezmerRouge

James - @anarchonbury

Rob - @CountRThe

Jamie - @Wizardcubes

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