We’re back with season 2 of Podcasting is Praxis; it’ll be grittier, darker and probably all downhill from here - a perfect mirror for reality.

David (@SanitaryNaptime), Rob (@CountRthe), Jamie (@Wizardcubes), and James (@BrovineOfBored) talk Iran, discuss the Labour leadership election, and Rob loses his mind at Polly Toynbee’s middlebrow garbage. Also, we start scoring Comment or Commentariat to find out whomst among us is the greatest connoisseur of trash takes! 



Follow us at @Praxiscast

2013 New Yorker profile of Qassem Soleimani: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/09/30/the-shadow-commander

Register to become a Labour member before Jan 20 to vote in the leadership election: https://join.labour.org.uk

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