Polls! Polls? Polls.


Rather than have a big obsessive panic about number go up, number go down, we take a look at what MRP actually means, and the reasons that polling is a bit pointless until the only poll that matters; the exit poll.

Also, we take a brief look back over the Climate Change debate, a fun jaunt into the CUKTIG Manifesto Pamphlet and enjoy the fightback against media bias through twitter antics that have forced Jo Swinson to carefully avoid denying allegations that she's a squirrel murderer (again, we live for this) (also, RIP Richard Miller)


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Rob - http://twitter.com/CountRThe

Alasdair - http://twitter.com/SA_Ballistari

James (Original flavour) - http://twitter.com/BrovineofBored

Jamie - F


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