O, to be a landlord! Sit fat and petty on the wealth of the land, accepting scraping subjects who seek audience, discerning the worthy from the feckless. What is nobler? What finer life is there, than to glut upon the blood of toiling masses by divine right!

(We were held up releasing this episode by a series of unfortunate events. Clearly, we're feckless and do not deserve housing. Anyway, usual episode should*** be out on time this week.)

Landlord Rob @trufflehog.bsky.social
Landlaird David @Sanitary Naptime (David).bsky.social
Landless Alasdair @ballistari.bsky.social
Landmark Jamie @wizardcubes.bsky.social
Landfill James @James (anarchonbury.bsky.social).bsky.social