Happy new year one and all! We're back in 2023 and rather than start with Britain we thought we'd ease into it and talk with Friend of the Pod Josh Sawyer, Studio Director at Obsidian Entertainment and Game Director and Narrative Director for the recently released game Pentiment. We talk about the inspiration for the game, the role of (bad) history and storytelling in videogames, and more! 

Spoiler warning for the last third of the pod - You get a heads up. 

Pentiment is a narrative adventure game set in 16th century Bavaria where you play as artist Andreas Maler, who investigates the murder of two of his friends over a number of years, with the whole game spanning a 25 year period. Get it here while it's hot, and also on your Xbox gamepass, Steam and other places.

Pod Cast:  Rob, Jamie, James, Alasdair 

Very Special Guest Josh Sawyer

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