This week, while the media is obsessed with some party they were (assumedly) unusually not invited to, we take a look at government policy - some in it's infancy, and some in process; there's both types of thinking - blue sky, and blood red seas. (It is a bit heavy in places, especially around the Nationality & Borders Bill, so be warned)

Not to worry though, it's not all heavy government policy, it's also light and baby brained liberalism too! The Guardian's brave new frontier of progressive alliance support gets a look in, and a man in a fedora has opinions about a specific age group.


We've got a bunch of Premium Content set for release over the next month with 5 episodes coming out on the premium feed alongside the free ones, so join up at



David - @SanitaryNaptime
Rob - @CountRThe
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @anxietycowboy