The concept of wireless charging sounds great until literally, the rubber hits the road. It is one thing to make the technology work in a lab, but creating a wireless charging system that easily integrates into the existing road and withstands the stress and pounding of heavy vehicle traffic is an entirely different challenge.

Magment's approach is unique in the world of electronics as they mix recycled ferrite material into concrete mixture, effectively magnetizing the road or parking spot. Embedding a coil into the concrete mixture allows them to create an antenna that radiates power to a vehicle-mounted receiver and achieve efficiencies of up to 96%.

Speaking at the 2018 IDTechExpo, Magment CEO and Co-Founder, Mauricio Esguerra, discusses how this magic material mixes with existing concrete and provides insight into its applications, which include creating next-generation roads, countertops and, potentially, the hyperloop.

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