In this episode we’re talking about one of the biggest reasons that people don’t start their shows.

Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever had that feeling that you’re going to be found out? Or that you’re not good enough or qualified enough or experienced enough to do something in your life or business? But in reality, you're more than qualified and more than enough and you might even have a tonne of experience in it too but you still don’t feel good enough. This worrying way that women in particular dismiss our success, our experience and creativity leads to a fear of being ‘found out’ and stress.

Tara Swart, Neuroscientist and Author of ‘The Source’ says that alongside the feelings of “not deserving” imposter syndrome leads to lower levels of the serotonin which relates to mood, and low levels of dopamine which are connected to reward and motivation. So that interestingly, whether you are male or female, the lower your confidence, the lower your testosterone levels, meaning you are less likely to take healthy risks like going for a promotion or start your podcast!

I used to feel like this when I first started out in my business and doing the work I do online but then I got real. I realised that it was holding me back from doing the things I wanted to do and have the life I wanted to live. I spent too much time thinking I wasn’t qualified enough or experienced enough. I worked with my amazing coach on this and did the work to move past it.

The reality is that I have over 20 years of business experience, I’ve coached and mentored hundred or individuals. I have a Masters in HR and Coaching as well as a national training award.

I know my shiz.

And you know what, a few years ago I would have totally shied away from saying all of that to you but I know my worth now. I know how much I help people and how much care and time I put into my clients and students. I’d have been worried about you thinking to yourself or even saying to me ‘who the hell do you think you are?!’

But honestly now, I don’t care!

I care about what you think but anyone who isn’t out there doing the things they really want to do and taking action don’t get to have an opinion or a vote on how I run my business or what I do. Does that sound harsh or do you wish you felt that confident about your own ability enough to not care about if people think you’re good enough? Good. Ok, so I’m going to help you with that in this episode.

You might be thinking what the heck is this to do with podcasting? Well some of you have amazing ideas for podcasts and haven’t started them yet because you’re saying to yourself ‘who the hell would listen to me?’

If that’s you, this is for you. In the episode I share 3 strategies to help you get rid of the imposter syndrome when it rears it’s head.

Tune in to learn the 3 strategies which are:

Develop a new script Fake it till you make it Look for evidence and acknowledge

Join the Start Your Podcast in 6 Weeks group programme before 24th January 2020 HERE