Next week on the podcast Kirt and I will be discussing the deliciously creepy book, The Substitute, so I wanted to do a wee post about Nicole Lundrigan. We have stalked Lundrigan in the past, when we read her phenomenal … Continue reading →

Next week on the podcast Kirt and I will be discussing the deliciously creepy book, The Substitute, so I wanted to do a wee post about Nicole Lundrigan.

We have stalked Lundrigan in the past, when we read her phenomenal historical fiction, The Widow Tree, as my birthday pick back in 2014.

So what has my stalking revealed? Lundrigan has written her fair share of books already, and her newest book, Hideaway, will hopefully hit the shelves Summer 2019.





She is a Newfoundlander currently living in Toronto, with a past steeped in skeletons and old castles (ie: she has lived in a chateau in France, has her MSc in physical anthropology).

Her first published work was a story about the birth of her daughter.

She has won and been nominated for many awards.

She loves to knit.

She has said that we don’t have a tonne of crime writing going on in Canada, which Kirt and I did find to be true when we were trying to pick mysteries for our Mystery month.

She has been part of humanitarian efforts in Canada and abroad.

Timothy Findley is one of her favourite authors.

The Substitute was inspired, in part, by this horrific crime.

Someone has already gotten her to reveal fun facts about herself over at Open Book

(most endearingly that she has a French bulldog named Miro).

For some reason, when she talks about her writing life, she reminds me of Morag from The Diviners.

All of her books demonstrate her capacity to create disquieting moods and disturbing characters, she talks about how she “finds creepy” here.

Yoda-willing, Kirt will be posting our podcast on The Substitute on August 27th, but if you want a quick (no spoiler) review, complete with adorable kitty, to entice you to read this summer thriller,  you can watch this.