For our first nutrition-focused podcast we challenged ourselves to reduce our intake of sodium. Katy, Kellie, and Kevin all tried in their own way to cut back. Some days we were more successful than others. Some meals were excellent (and others not so much). And some of us had garlic fries and a club sandwich… Continue reading Wekk (trition) – Ep 47 – Challenge #1 Sodium

For our first nutrition-focused podcast we challenged ourselves to reduce our intake of sodium. Katy, Kellie, and Kevin all tried in their own way to cut back. Some days we were more successful than others. Some meals were excellent (and others not so much). And some of us had garlic fries and a club sandwich before a long plane flight. With help, guidance, and encouragement from Mandy we did learn some new techniques and made some long lasting changes. (We also shared those secret foods that we will never give up.)

Current Dietary GuidelinesCDC and Salt IntakeWalkr Game