In this month’s Chatter episode we discuss Hackers. Kellie leads the conversation with a review of the show Mr. Robot, and then Kevin, Katy, and Mandy join in. Sprinkled in between serious discussion are hilarious mentions of real dolls and George Washington wigs….(you’re welcome). Listen in if you want ideas on how to foil hackers including… Continue reading Wekk Chatter – Ep 44 – Hackers

In this month’s Chatter episode we discuss Hackers. Kellie leads the conversation with a review of the show Mr. Robot, and then Kevin, Katy, and Mandy join in. Sprinkled in between serious discussion are hilarious mentions of real dolls and George Washington wigs….(you’re welcome). Listen in if you want ideas on how to foil hackers including showering with your clothes on and infecting all touch pads. Also, big thank you to Alex Brandenburg for our music. Thanks Alex!

Ted Talk Reference

Mr. Robot

Alex Brandenburg Music