In our first Wekk Imagines episode Katy, Kellie, Mandy, and Kevin chat about female superheroes. We discuss everyone from Wonder Woman to Daisy on Agents of Shield, television to movies, comic book origins to future incarnations, and everything in between. We also delve into how female superheroes are portrayed and why we hope the Wonder Woman… Continue reading Week Podcast – Ep 39 Wekk Imagines – Female Superheroes

In our first Wekk Imagines episode Katy, Kellie, Mandy, and Kevin chat about female superheroes. We discuss everyone from Wonder Woman to Daisy on Agents of Shield, television to movies, comic book origins to future incarnations, and everything in between. We also delve into how female superheroes are portrayed and why we hope the Wonder Woman movie succeeds on the merits of the story instead of the female star. Intermixed between all the intelligent chatter are some truly hysterical moments (realizations)…especially at the very end. Enjoy!

Stan Lee blog article

Marie Claire Article

Article on Sana Amanat