Soap premiered on ABC on September 13th, 1977. The twisted (and fatalistically unbelievable) lives of the Tates and the Campbells made for four seasons of delicious television. Kellie and Katy discuss the drama which occurred prior to the show airing as well as the many wonderful plot twists the show’s creator, Susan Harris, gifted to… Continue reading Growing up 70’s – Soap

Soap premiered on ABC on September 13th, 1977. The twisted (and fatalistically unbelievable) lives of the Tates and the Campbells made for four seasons of delicious television. Kellie and Katy discuss the drama which occurred prior to the show airing as well as the many wonderful plot twists the show’s creator, Susan Harris, gifted to 70’s television viewers. This is one of Kellie’s favorite shows and for good reason.

“Growing Up 70’s” is all about the television shows that shaped our youth. If you have ideas on what shows Kellie and Katy should cover, be sure to email them at [email protected]. The only requirement is that the show had to have first run episodes that aired in the 70’s.

Music – Ben Sound – Ben Sound Music Link – Used via Creative Commons Music: