More Discworld joy and this time Kellie and Katy have a surprise guest – Mandy! The third book in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett is called Equal Rites and was first published in 1987. It is a love letter to brave little girls. Listen in for the rundown of our favorite things about the… Continue reading Beer, Books, & Tea – Equal Rites

More Discworld joy and this time Kellie and Katy have a surprise guest – Mandy! The third book in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett is called Equal Rites and was first published in 1987. It is a love letter to brave little girls. Listen in for the rundown of our favorite things about the book, but stay tuned for an interesting discussion about how our view of equal rights for women has changed over the years. Enjoy!

Read Terry Prachett’s books!!!!

Music – Ben Sound – Ben Sound Music Link – Used via Creative Commons Music: