Aired on April 14, 2015
Greetings and salutations! Welcome to this weeks PvP Podcast: Daredevil Special
What's so special about it? You may ask; well, for starters, it's a super bumper long episode packed with all the stuff you'll need to know about all the stuff we talk about! It's like a massage for your naughty parts, but in your lug holes.
No video game news this week, but we bring you more news on everyone's favourite merc with a mouth, with juicy tid-bits on some onset photos, a naughty collision with Ryan Reynolds and a shitbag paparazzi and some info on the X-Man appearing in the movie.
The latest Ant Man Domestic Trailer #2 is released and we don't care, because we are madly in love with Netflix's new Daredevil show that has just started. We've watched all 13 episodes and we want to tell you all about it and stare lovingly into Matt Murdock's eyes.
But mostly to tell you all about it.
--Deadpool Movie news starts at the 00:48 mark--
--Ant-Man Movie news starts at the 07:55 mark--
--Daredevil opinions starts at the 09:55 mark **LOT'S OF SPOILERS**
Join us won't you! You deserve it, you sexy swine!
We should probably point out, (seeing as we never do) that the podcast does contain mild (aka RAUNCHY and awesome) bad language, so if you're a bit of a stiff, cover your ears.