This is probably the first show I have every felt the need to put trigger warnings before, in this episode domestic violence is discussed and in the links to the show notes contains recordings of domestic abuse allegations.On this episode I am joined by Alexandria Brown to discuss her book, A Noble Person Does Not […]

This is probably the first show I have every felt the need to put trigger warnings before, in this episode domestic violence is discussed and in the links to the show notes contains recordings of domestic abuse allegations.On this episode I am joined by Alexandria Brown to discuss her book, A Noble Person Does Not Sin, detailing her former relationship with Charlottesville “Unite the Right” organizer Augustus Sol Invictus. She has been fighting for years to bring light to domestic abuse allegations made known to her by his former girlfriend. We talk about her recent victory in getting a book de-platformed from Amazon using a DMCA claim. Since bringing these allegations to the public Alexandria has been targeted by neo-nazi followers of Augustus and was publicly outed as a sex worker. This is a cautionary tale of how monsters can hide in plain sight among us.Libertarian Coalition
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