Previous Episode: E10: Elves of Mirkwood

On a podcast on the web there were some hobbits. Not a nasty, wet, ear-splitting podcast with a lot of bumper music from 80’s hair bands, or even a famous, successful podcast, like one of those true-crime podcasts or something from the BBC. No, it was a hobbit podcast, and that means comfortable. So take … Continue reading E11: Hobbits

On a podcast on the web there were some hobbits. Not a nasty, wet, ear-splitting podcast with a lot of bumper music from 80’s hair bands, or even a famous, successful podcast, like one of those true-crime podcasts or something from the BBC. No, it was a hobbit podcast, and that means comfortable. So take your seat at the Green Dragon, pour a glass of ale (it comes in pints!), light up a pipe full of Old Toby, and join Ben, Calvin, and Richard as they talk about the joys of perils of playing one of the half-grown hobbits, the hole-dwellers, in The One Ring RPG. We’ll talk about hobbits in the game and in the wider lore of Tolkien’s legendarium, as well as some of our favorite backgrounds, cultural virtues, and cultural rewards.

Episode 11