We’re back, listeners. Sorry for missing last week, we had some technical snafu’s here at Goblin Guides headquarters but we got them all sorted out and we’re back at it with…well, somewhat of a downer. Rob is facing the dreaded burnout stage of the long time grinder so Jon, who never really thought about playing […]

We’re back, listeners. Sorry for missing last week, we had some technical snafu’s here at Goblin Guides headquarters but we got them all sorted out and we’re back at it with…well, somewhat of a downer. Rob is facing the dreaded burnout stage of the long time grinder so Jon, who never really thought about playing so much you get burnt out, and Kevin, who has been there before, sat down with him to try to help. The fun doesn’t end there, however, and by the end of the episode we’re back to our normal Goblin Guides style, swapping stories, telling jokes, and disparaging different racial groups.

Be sure you check us out on iTunes, and head on over to our Facebook page. If you’d be so inclined, Rob wants you to let us know why you play Magic and what keeps you going. Let him know by posting on our Facebook or Twitter.

Featured in this episode:

Jon Sutton Puts on his Psychotherapist cap.

Rob Vaughan Wants to know why we play.

Kevin Michael Tells jokes to liven up a depressing podcast, is secretly a Prognostic Sphinx.
